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New York City is full of life, people and action. NYC is one of the most fascinating places in the U.S. to capture a special moment in time with a camera in hand. The photographs below are a mere sampling of some of the urban street photography and other photo opportunities while strolling the streets, Central Park, and the lower and upper Manhattan boroughs.
Spring is just around the corner. It has been raining this week. It actually snowed a little last week depending on where you were when the flakes came down. Warmer days are ahead - The weather forecasts are promising for warmer days and the more popular NY parks are prepping for fresh lawns and green sods. Street fairs and outdoor events are on the calendar as spring approaches.
I hope you enjoy some of the moments below taken from the lens of my camera in the last few days.
NYC Central Park- This photograph captures a man relaxing in Central Park just before the setting sun. The reflections of the water are priceless - a peaceful moment in time.
A Playful Moment- I couldn't resist getting out my camera for this quick photograph while walking through Central Park. If you look a little closer at the photograph you can see that the small girl on the swing is sucking her thumb. Her caring guardian or father pushing the swing to higher heights and her giggles makes this one of my favorite photographs for the limited days spent in NY behind my lens.
Simplicity- Leaning toward the skies I took this photograph while at Bryant Park in NYC. Although the lawns were not seeded and the tractors were out in preparation for the spring crowds, I saw this photo opportunity.
Many of the photographs are viewable in the galleries at
"Louis Vuitton"
5th Avenue NYC- When strolling down 5th avenue there are many beautiful and upscale stores in the Big Apple- A shoppers paradise for many. The reflections and silhouette that are a part of the background in this photograph and clearly stand out.
Times Square- Of the many photographs I take when I visit NYC, the people, action and surroundings at Times Square make for an ever changing scene for unique photographs. Facial expressions often compliment or complete the finer details or business of a photograph or crowd scene as exampled above.
Street Scene NYC- This photograph of a lone man on the NYC streets really stood out. Although I did not get a chance to speak to this person or find out more about his circumstances, I knew it was cold out and he seemed alone. I can only hope and pray that he was not alone, and that he is fed, warm, and doing ok out there on the streets of NYC.
I hope you enjoy the photos in this blog.
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Thank you for taking the time to visit this blog. Wow, this year went by fast. It is hard to believe that 2011 is just a few weeks away. I begin this thread and blog by having committed to frequent updates and I will continue to add many photos from my ever expanding collection. Along the way I hope to learn new things (like how to blog better) and experience and grow as an amateur photographer.
It is always a thrill to find a unique moment in time that I can capture behind the lens of my camera. What is also rewarding to me is having a memory associated with every photograph that I take. Whether I was with a loved one, witnessing a special moment, or viewing an awesome sunset, the end result is inspiring.
For the time being, I'm just a guy who enjoys photography and sharing my work. I hope that you will also appreciate my work and share it with others.
May you be inspired as I have been.
"The Lone Oak" - Image taken with Panasonic FZ28, 1/320 sec @ f5.6, ISO 160
This image may also be found in my gallery below in hi-resolution
Sunsets are one of the most amazing moments to capture. The setting sun on almost any given month over the northern California beaches can be quite spectacular. An added surprise are the mysterious cloud formations that can change at the slightest reversal of wind direction. I really enjoyed watching the sun peak through the clouds, and slowly dissapear over the horizon.
Find this in hi-resolution and other sunsets and photos in my nature gallery
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" Hummingbird Feeding"
Hummingbirds flap their wings up to 90 times per second and are among the smallest of birds. They are the only known species of bird able to fly backward. Being at the right place at the right time with a camera can make or break a shot. This little bird was a mere few feet from from me as I walked down Ocean Avenue in downtown Carmel, California. I was fortunate to get a quick few shots off while he was hovering before he flew away to his next destination. A quiet precious seconds and having the correct settings adjusted on the camera made all the difference to enable me to get this image.
Canon EOS 7D, 55mm focal, 1/500 sec, f10, ISO 400, shutter priority
Find this in hi-resolution and other similar pictures in my gallery at:
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"Central Park NYC Horse and Carriage"
Central Park NYC - It happened to snow this day, and I admit I was a little nervous trying to keep the camera and gear from the elements. I composed this shot at the outer perimiter of the park just before the sun started to go down, and after the snow had stopped. What a beautiful park. One thing that amazed me was to see all of the people jogging, running and biking throughout the park in such weather.
Panasonic FZ28 75mm, 1/160 sec @ f4.0, ISO 400
Find this and other hi-resolution pictures in my gallery
Find this and other hi-resolution pictures in my gallery
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"Cigar Break"
A Silhouette. This shot was composed with just enough night time lighting in an alley just off Bourbon Street in the French Quarter which is the oldest and most famous neighborhood in the city of New Orleans. I stepped up the ISO numbers to 3200 to capture this moment-
Canon EOS 7D, 264 mm focal length, 1/60 sec, f4.5, ISO 3200, no flash
View this picture in high resolution and similar pictures in my gallery:
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Horses are beautiful animals. Sometimes a nice shower after a hard workout is quite refreshing. He seemed to really like the cool water.
- Canon EOS 7D, 211 mm focal length, 1/100 sec, f14, ISO 100
View this in high resolution and other similar pictures in my gallery:
Objects Gallery - Inspirational Pics
Objects Gallery - Inspirational Pics
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The Golden Gate Bridge connects the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula to Marin County and was built in 1937. It is a remarkable site. The surrounding views are breath taking, including the panoramic view of the city, the shores, sail boats, Angel Island and more. No wonder this bridge has been declared as one of the modern wonders of the world. On this particular day the rolling fog came in as I prepared for the shot. The resulting image above separates this days' shoot from others.
Canon EOS 7D, 190 mm focal length, 1/50th sec, f7, ISO 200
View this picture in hi-resolution and similar pictures in my Objects Gallery below:
Objects Gallery- Inspirational Pics
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Hiking in canyons can find you surprises if you are curious and courageous enough to brave and avoid ticks, poison oak, and snakes while off the beaten path. I discovered this interesting relic (or treasure) and photo opportunity while doing just that. With my camera in one hand and while hanging on to a branch in the other hand off a steep hill surrounded by thousands of poisan oak plants, I made it down the grade to safely to set up this shot. Had I lost my grip on that branch, I would have spiraled down the embankment face first into poison oak. So these are the types of memories, though not typical that I have to cherish.
Panasonic FZ28, 1/13th sec @ f2.8, ISO 400
View this picture in high resolution and similar pictures in my Objects Gallery below:
Objects Gallery- Inspirational Pics
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Cows. There must have been hundreds of them along the freeway grazing together. Another great memory to share about this shot. With camera in hand I sprinted accross multiple lanes of heavy freeway traffic to snap this photo. I was running because the cows were moving further away from me and rather quickly. This one cow however, remained nearer to me than the others, standing just inside the barbed wire fence as I continued to race forward to get my close-up shot of him. For a moment he seemed like he was posing for me. Well, I must have bothered or spooked him because just when I got in to my position to take the camera shot he took off as fast as he could like a hooked salmon, then turned around on a dime to face me, staring me down, rapidly pawing at the field hay and snorting loudly. I am glad the fence separated us. I squeezed the button.
Panasonic FZ28, 1/200th sec @ f5.0, ISO 100
View this picture in hi-resolution and similar pictures in my Nature Gallery below:
Nature Gallery- Inspirational Pics
Nature Gallery- Inspirational Pics
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Flowers- This may be just my creative thinking or even feelings kicking in at a deeper level of introspection but my growing enthusiasm for photography certainly is a catalyst for a greater perspective on the beauty of nature. More specifically, flowers are beautiful and when you stop and take the time to look at them and understand them they are what they are. Flowers are beautiful. I wish I could spend more time learning their names and more about them. The wind and camera settings like shutter speed and light are important to play around with and understand when shooting a macro of a flower.
Panasonic FZ35, 1/80th sec, 50mm focal @ f3.2, ISO 80, no flash
View this picture in hi-resolution and similar pictures in my Nature Gallery below:
Sunsets- can be spectacular depending on many factors. The sun, the clouds, and even the wind (which alters the movement of water and the clouds), and our imagination all play an important factor in what we see as the sun slowly sinks over the ocean in those final glimpses. A suns' reflection can also be quite dramatic. What I saw with a little imagination this day was the resemblance of a cross out in the water. I am glad I didn't miss this one. Some moments are priceless with no more words to explain the beauty in what you see.
Panasonic FZ28, 1/400th sec, 28mm focal @ f7.1, ISO 100, no flash
View this picture in hi-resolution and similar pictures in my Nature Gallery below:
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Old Shoes- Use your imagination when you are out searching for subjects to shoot. Your imagination and creativity plays a large factor in discovering that next great subject to shoot in order to get that great next shot. At least that is how I see it. The resulting image of these old shoes has received some compliments, which sometimesare that spark that inspires the photographer to find that next object to capture behind the lens.
Canon EOS 7D, 50mm, 1/500 sec, f1.8, ISO 3200, shutter priority
Find this in hi-resolution and other similar pictures in my gallery at:
Object Gallery- Inspirational Pics
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Sports Action Photography is fast moving and exciting. When behind the lens it is important to have the right camera angle, positioning, aperture, ISO and shutter speed settings, all working in your favor to capture your best images. I took this shot just before it started to rain. The conditions were not ideal, with lackluster natural lighting and limited time for the shoot. Needless to say, I made the best of it and was glad that I made it out.
Canon EOS 7D, 30mm, 1/640th sec, f4.0, ISO 640, no flash
View this in hi-resolution and other pictures at the gallery below:
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Simplicity. Have you ever noticed a photograph that caught your attention without the clutter of the busy surroundings? This photograph represents just that. This simple image of a common city hydrant doesn't take your eyes off anything but the fire hydrant. I particularly liked the color contrasts and decided to share this shot.
Canon EOS 7D, 105mm, 1/640th sec, f4.5, ISO 1000, no flash
View this in hi-resolution and other pictures at the gallery below:
Object Gallery- Inspirational Pics
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"Street Scene Ocean Avenue"
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"Street Scene Ocean Avenue"
Detail and Composition. If you take a closer look at the smaller details in this photograph you can't help but notice the dog dish in front of Tiffanys. Can you name another Tiffany outlet let alone an entire city as accomodating for canines and their leash towing owners as Carmel, California, the city many label as the most dog friendly city in the world? The answer is probably no. I hope you enjoy this photograph including the finer almost unnoticed details.
Canon EOS 7D, 85mm, 1/125th sec, f5.0, ISO 125, no flash
View this imqge in hi-resolution and other pictures at the gallery below:
Black and White Gallery- Inspirational Pics
Black and White Gallery- Inspirational Pics
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